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 Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ

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2 participants


Féminin Nombre de messages : 42846
Age : 70
Localisation : Blois
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ   Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ Icon_minitimeMer 22 Oct 2008 - 9:43


LISTENING IN: Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ

Monday October 6,2008
By Macer Hall Political Editor Have your say(63)
ALL telephone calls, emails and text messages in Britain will be monitored under new Government snooping plans.

A £12billion identity database at the GCHQ spy centre could even log every website visited by computer users nationwide.

Hundreds of bugging probes will be installed in the telephone system and computer networks to monitor communications traffic.

GCHQ has already been handed £1billion of taxpayers’ cash to begin developing the database.

After the top-secret plans were leaked yesterday critics accused the Government of stalking the public. Michael Parker of anti-identity card group No2ID said: “It is a shocking intrusion into privacy. This is stalking. If an individual carried out this sort of snooping, it would be a crime.”
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 4363
Age : 66
Localisation : Yvelines
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ   Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Oct 2008 - 17:33

Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ 656313


Mais nos sénateurs, proposant des spywares obligatoires sur nos PC n'en sont pas loin.

Les Anglais sont hélas assez peu réactifs sur la défense de leurs libertés individuelles, et notre lider minimo prend l'inspiration chez eux.
Pas toujours à mauvais escient, cf Gordon Brown qui lui a concocté une proposition pour la crise (je suis sûre il ne l'aurait jamais accepté la même proposition venant d'Angela Merkel)
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Calls, texts and emails will be monitored at GCHQ
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