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 What do you think about the american's dynamism?

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 100
Localisation : Lyon
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2012

What do you think about the american's dynamism? Empty
MessageSujet: What do you think about the american's dynamism?   What do you think about the american's dynamism? Icon_minitimeDim 5 Fév 2012 - 20:42

As we know, they are organizned and very reactif even if a case seems to be lost. For example: GM.

In France, when you want to create an entreprise, you have to present many certificates from your bank or others to have a credibility to create. Nobody want to take the risk.
Why? The way of life ? The political managment ?

So, why are they always so .... the best ?

Dernière édition par Lafilledupèrenoël le Dim 5 Fév 2012 - 21:36, édité 1 fois
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What do you think about the american's dynamism? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: What do you think about the american's dynamism?   What do you think about the american's dynamism? Icon_minitimeDim 5 Fév 2012 - 20:50

they aren't, and you it's not compicated to create a company in France (i have made it twice)
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 100
Localisation : Lyon
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2012

What do you think about the american's dynamism? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: What do you think about the american's dynamism?   What do you think about the american's dynamism? Icon_minitimeDim 5 Fév 2012 - 21:34

Twice, ok, but what you have to present to your bank to be...credible .... what you have to pay to be credible?
Imagine, you just invent a system or a concept, they (France/Europe) just consider you as a clown even if you sincerlely have competences but no money. If you need more than 50K you could go back to work as an empoyee.

In France, PME, TPME/I have no chance to be quickly borned. This is a question of confiance, mentality. This is the big problem ... and how to change it?

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What do you think about the american's dynamism?
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